NPS Newsletter

Week 5 Term 1

A Message From The Principal

Mrs Claire Allen

It has been another busy and productive week at NPS. Our students are working hard to uphold the Core Values of our school and it has been delightful to see the inclusive nature of play throughout our playground, and the number of students striving to achieve their personal best in the classroom. We valued the opportunity to have our parents come in to our school to meet their children’s 2023 teachers and have a good look at the many improvements that have been underway in our school environment.

We will see further improvements throughout 2023, including a new electronic front gate, upgrades to our perimeter fence and the completion of our kitchen garden program. We look forward to sharing more about these with our families as they unfold.

At NPS we greatly appreciate and value the role our families make investing their time and ideas into facilitating improvements for our students. I would encourage all families to consider becoming a part of the P&C this coming Wednesday, where you can attend in person, or via Zoom link. It is a caring and inclusive group of families and they always love to welcome new families into the fold. Invites will come home on Monday with the details of the meeting and the link for those wishing to Zoom in. Please feel welcome to bring your children along to the meeting. They have an absolute ball catching up with each other in the Sensory Room as we meet in the Learning Hub. I look forward to seeing you there.

Upcoming Events

Families & Community invited to attend

Permission Note required

Week 6


  • K-6 Assembly @ 9.30 am


  • Infants Sports Day


  • Infants Assembly - 2K
  • P&C AGM @ 6pm



  • Primary Sports Day

Narrabri Public School

Family Noticeboard

Microphone for public speaking

Reminder - 6 Year core leaders

Public Speaking Note

Don't forget to return our your note to Miss Gauci by Tuesday, 28 February 2023

An Athlete Swimming in a Pool

Reminder - North West Swimming

Don't forget to return your note to Miss Glass By end of week 6!

All Female Team Playing Netball

Reminder - Netball

Don't forget to return your note to Miss Glass By end of week 6!

Improving Attendance

In line with our Strategic Direction 3 of our School Improvment Plan, we are striving to increase our students to achieving 95% attendance. Understandably sometimes our students can become unwell or need to be away from school for a justifiable reason. On these occassions it is vital that our parents share this with the school as soon as possible. This can be done via our school app, emailing or calling the school, or sending in a note when your child returns. We will begin celebrating class and individual student attendance at our Week 7 assembly, with certificates for those classes with over 90% attendance and an end of term BBQ to celebrate all students with over 90% attendance. We appreciate the support of our families as we strive towards achieving this goal!


6H launched the first assembly of the year last Wednesday, and they did it with confidence and a great sense of humour. It was wonderful to see our Year 6 students present to their audience, taking on various speaking roles and sharing the work they have been undertaking in class.

We also saw the first recipients of our Assembly Awards and a list of students who achieved these can be found attached to this newsletter. Well done to all and congratulations to Mr Heffernan, Mr Rottger and all of 6H for their outstanding effort.


Being a part of our dynamic Student Representative Council is a position that students take pride in when they are elected by their peers. This morning our Semester 1 SRC were officially presented with their badge of office. They will work collaboratively with the school leaders to be their peers' voices and make decisions for the betterment of the school. We look forward to sharing their achievements and initiatives along the way.

Our first SRC meeting was called to order on Wednesday.

Class representatives gathered to plan a clean up of our school (in honor of clean up Australia day) & our school recycling program. Students will meet weekly to support their classmate's views and needs. We will keep you updated

Week 6 Infants Assembly

We are excited to welcome back our families to our Wednesday afternoon assemblies. Classes host these assemblies and present items related to the work they are undertaking in class.

Our week 6 assembly is hosted by 2K, beginning at 2.30 pm in the school hall. If you are able to attend please sign in through the front office.

We look forward to seeing you there

“The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.”

Kindergarten 2023

The APCI Word

Our APCIs, have been excited to deliver the Department of Education’s units of work formulated to support our new English Syllabus.

Early Stage One students have been exploring rich texts, allowing them to share their experiences and thinking. Talking and sharing enable the children to understand their ideas and develop the necessary vocabulary and oral language skills for effective communication.

During last week’s lesson, students looked at the topic of ‘Families,’ Ms. Marple brought members of her animal family to share with the children.

Mrs. Tess Lindsay and Ms. Lisa Marple

You've Got Mail

As part of our school's development of sustainable practices and efforts to keep our family and community connected, we request that you check your emails regularly as Narrabri Public School moves towards online communication.

If you are unable to access the information digitally, please contact the office on 02 6792 2246 to make alternate arrangements.

Zone Swimming

Students of NPS attended the Zone Swimming Carnival on the 17th of February at Narrabri Aquatic Centre. They competed against all neighboring schools such as Pillga, Bellata, Narrabri West, Burren Junction, Wee Waa and Rowena. Fierce competition from all the swimmers kept us on the edge of our seats. Chanting and encouragement was present from both swimmers and spectators, creating a buzz in the atmosphere. NPS came away with some impressive results, with several swimmers successfully qualifying for the Northwest competition in Armidale. It was a pleasure to watch all students demonstrate our Core Values . Well done NPS!

Zone Tennis

On Friday 24th February August Downs and Andre Leculier tried out for the Narrabri Zone Tennis team. They gave it their all facing some really challenging opponents and we congratulate them on putting their best foot forwards.

Zone Football

On Tuesday morning Ashlyn Saunders, Laycee Lawler, Lincoln Bourke, Max Dennis, Clinton Lamb and Hunter Barrett competed in the Narrabri Zone Girls and Boys Touch Football Trials at the Narrabri High School.

We would like to congratulate, Ashlyn, Laycee for being selected in the girls team and to Lincoln and Clinton in the boys team and Hunter as a reserve.

These students will now travel to Tamworth on Tuesday 14th March to compete in the selection trials for the North West girls and boys teams to compete at State later in the year.

PODS in the playground

Squeals of delight have been ringing throughout our playground all week as our students have made the most of our new pods. Some have just come for a quiet sit, while others have come to twirl! Even teachers have taken some time out to relax and reflect in these wonderful new additions to our diverse and inventive playground. At NPS you can find something for everyone, from indoor active or restful options like table tennis in the hall or Lego in the Hub, to giant jenga or bean toss in the Quiet Area.

Many a game of chess is played out with just enough competition to keep it interesting, while others make the most of our court and field sports like soccer or basketball.

Handball is always a crowd favourite and there are courts for those with hats, or those without. Our Sensory Room is the place to be if you just want to relax, while those that want to get dirty quickly find a spot in the digging areas or sandpits. For those with the green thumb or creative streak we have Gardening Guru and Creative Kids Clubs. And this is just to name a few. We value the importance of this time to our students, teaching them valuable socialisation lessons, giving them a chance to let their brains rest after all their hard work in the classroom, and just generally forming a love of their school in a holistic way. This sense of belonging is at the heart of all we do and we are always looking to improve. So if you have any suggestions for making our school even better ... please email them to our school, or pop in to the office and share them with Mrs Allen.

Premier’s Reading Challenge

Its that time of year again – Premier’s Reading Challenge! Research suggests that reading can improve not only academic success but also improve a child’s well-being, therefore all students K-6 are invited and encouraged to participate in the 2023 Premier’s Reading Challenge (PRC) which will begin Monday, 27th February 2023 and finish Friday, 18th August 2023. Registration and student reading records can be updated online at home or students are welcome to bring them to Miss Gauci and Mrs Scott in the library and they will submit them.

A Snow Covered Mountain Under the White Sky

1 st White cards

Josie Dewar, Casey Lamb, Addison Lamb, Hazel Woolford, Tyrell Russell-Towney, Kobi Rule, Oliver O’Regan, Catherine Gerdnoi, Jackson Hayne, Ellalouise Dewar, Chelsea Clarke, Joe Brown, Hunter Barrett, Emily Atkins, Lochlan McMillan, Ashylyn Saunders, Elsie Barton, Rydell Kelly, Lincoln Bourke, Cooper Mason


Tuesday 21st February - Parents Information Session

Wednesday, 1st March - P&C AGM @ 6pm

Friday 3rd March - Narrabri Zone Soccer Trials Gately Fields Narrabri

Wednesday, 15th March - NAPLAN Week beginning

This section of the newsletter will be updated as events are scheduled and a week ahead will be sent out via our social media platforms.

Stage 3 CPR

Stage 3 was very lucky to complete their CPR training on Wednesday morning. Students were engaged and excited to learn the skills that could one day help them save a life. A big thank-you to Cameron McFarland for guiding our students and providing them with opportunities to perform CPR and learn how to place people in the recovery position.

P&C Annual General Meeting

The Narrabri Public School Parents and Citizens Association is an important part of the school environment and aims to raise funds and to provide resources for the school, as well as provide an avenue to find out information and raise issues with the principal and the staff. Everyone is welcome to join.

Our P&C AGM meeting will be held

1st March at 6:00 pm at the NPS office building.

Please come along see what the P&C is about and meet new people. Positions will be available if you wish to be on the committee but you do not need to take a role to be a part of the P&C, we need many helpers for events and activities we do during the school year.

If you can not attend the meeting in person we can send a zoom link.

If you need any information on the P&C please talk to

one of the committee members or get in touch with the President, Mrs Cassie Woolford. We look forward to seeing you there.

Friday 3rd March canteen special

Have you Downloaded our app?

This is an important communication tool used by the school and a must-have for any parent, carer, grandparent or interested community member to stay up to date with what's happening in our school.

Download in the Google store or Apple app store

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