NPS Newsletter

Week 10 Term 1

A Message From The Principal

Mrs Claire Allen

This week commenced with a focus on kindess and respect in our school community. Our students are striving to do small acts of kindess that collectively build to make all members of our school feel known, valued and help them be ready to learn. When we are looking out for others and ‘filling their buckets’ it also makes us feel good and strengthens our sense of belonging.

This can often be achieved through the way we interact with others, displaying respect in the way we communicate and behave. This is the goal we have for our staff and students and it has been lovely moving through the classrooms and seeing this ‘bucket filling’ being so genuinely shared with others. It was particularly lovely to have the members of

K-6K fill my bucket when I came in for a visit this week!

We are encouraging our students to take these values home for the holidays, offering to help out with chores and filling the buckets of those within their family. We look forward to hearing some good news stories from our families in response to this.

Upcoming Events

Families & Community invited to attend

Week 11


  • K-6 Assembly @ 9.30 am
  • Narrabri Zone PSSA Netball Trials at Wee Waa
  • Drama Club


  • Infants Sports Day


  • Assembly in Hall @ 2:30 - 6G


  • ANZAC DAY School Ceremony @ 10.30am
  • P & C Easter Raffle and Easter Hat Parade at 2pm






26 APR - Students return to school

Change of dates for Term 2 and 3

Please be aware, our Term 2 and 3 dates have changed this year due to staff professional learning commitments

Term 2 Dates are: 26/4/23 to 29/6/23

Term 3 Dates are: 17/7/23 to 22/9/23


Mrs Charles and our Gardening Guru Team have commenced our sustainable schools kitchen garden program for 2023.

This includes developing garden management practices to create good health in our soil yielding delicious vegetables that we will be able to prepare food with. The classes will learn about worm farms, seasonal crops, rotational garden beds, and safe practice in food preparation.

1S Infants Assembly

Our week 10 infants assembly was hosted by 1S.

We were delighted by their performance of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" narrated by Ruben, Zoe & Leo. Students took on many roles such as playing fruit yummy treats, the hungry caterpillar, and the beautiful butterfly.

Week 11 Primary Assembly

We are excited to welcome back our families to our afternoon assemblies. Classes host these assemblies and present items related to the work they are undertaking in class.

Our week 10 assembly is hosted by 1S on Wednesday, beginning at 2.40 pm in the school hall. If you are able to attend please sign in through the front office.We look forward to seeing you there.

easter decirations

Families and community members are welcome to come into our school from 2pm on Thursday, 6 April.

Students are encouraged to create their own easter hats for the parade at home.

Easter raffle tickets can be purchased through the P & C Canteen app - MySchoolConnect, through the front office at school, or from our students.

Tickets are $1 each. Any Easter donations towards the Raffle are greatly appreciated.

Around Our School

In Maths 4A have been learning about angles. They enjoyed creating their representations of the different angles.

2C enjoyed making pirate hats and doing a pirate just dance to finish off their pirate measurement maths unit this fortnight. We measured how far we could fire the cannon (throw a beanbag), the area of a new pirate flag and we worked out which container held the most treasure.

Ice Cream Day!

Opportunity knocks! Join the virtual school for rural and remote students.

Aurora College is NSW’s virtual school, offering a mix of online and residential school classes for high potential and gifted students in rural and remote government schools.

The school provides innovative, flexible learning in a whole new context, by allowing students to connect locally and to learn globally.

Students learn with their teachers and classmates in timetabled lessons using cutting-edge technologies in a virtual learning environment.

Year 5 applications for Aurora College’s 2024 virtual opportunity class open Thursday 30 March 2023 and close Monday 15 May 2023.

Opportunity class students study mathematics, science and technology, integrating the design thinking process.

For further information, visit our website or phone 1300 287 629.

Yellow Letter on Yellow Podium on White Background.3D Rendering
Gadget Mockup Frames Laptop

You've Got Mail

As part of our school's development of sustainable practices and efforts to keep our family and community connected, we request that you check your emails regularly as Narrabri Public School moves towards online communication.

If you are unable to access the information digitally, please contact the office on 02 6792 2246 to make alternate arrangements.

Transition Commences

Our kindergarten transition program commenced this week with the first of our pre-school visits. This important step assists future kindergarten students to experience big school with adults they know, fostering confidence that helps them to enjoy the experience.

We have 3 more Tuesday pre-school visits before the end of the term, and this week’s visitors were delighted to receive a medal to celebrate their time at NPS. There were many laughs and smiles as they explored our playground, ate delicious fruit, and participated in activities with our current kindergarten students.

Next term commences with a Meet and Greet afternoon tea on Tuesday 2nd May from 2-3pm; with the ready for kindergarten sessions from 2-3pm weekly from Tuesday, 9th May.

If you have a child, or have friends or family that have children commencing kindergarten in 2024, we would encourage them to contact the office on 6792 2246 to organise a Principal’s tour of the school and to attend the upcoming sessions. Even if you haven’t made a final decision about the best fit for your child, we would love to share the exciting and enriching opoprtunities that Narrabri Public School has to offer.

A Snow Covered Mountain Under the White Sky

1st White cards

Wendell Wells, Josie O’Neill-Fraser, Lexi Magann-Jones, Narlah-Pearl Toomey, Ziella Doolan, Darren Williams, Jaxon O’Meara, Xavier Andrews, Mackenna Wales, Adam Kinchela, Leila Condran, Blaize Fenton, Jed Smith, Noah Burford, Shaniya Bradford, Rikilee Doolan, Hudson-John Daley, Franki Gallen, Victoria Dennis, Tiana Condran, Zayden Wells

Save the Dates

Easter hat parade and Raffle on the last day of Term 1

Thursday 6th April @ 2pm - help appreciated

ANZAC MARCH from NPS @ 10am

Tuesday 25th April

NPS Hosting Park Run

Saturday 29th April - help appreciated

Narrabri Show Visit (Infants)

Friday 5th May

School Photos

Thursday 22nd June

NAIDOC Celebration Assembly

Thursday 29th June

Life Education visit to NPS

21/8/23 to 25/8/23

Year 5 Excursion to Gulgong

19/9/23 to 21/9/23

Grandparents Day and Twilight Fete

Friday 20th October

Year 6 Canberra Excursion

23/10/23 to 27/10/23

*Further dates and details to come...


The Nitbusters School Head Lice Project is a joint project between NSW Health, NSW Department of Education and Communities, Federation of School Councils and the Federation of P & C Associations. The project aims to educate schools, children and parents about head lice and how to treat them as a community and within the home.

In order for Nitbusters to be successful in our school, every child should be involved. It takes just one infested head to infest the whole class. One of the key messages of the project is that anyone and everyone can contract nits, regardless of your age, sex or background.

The project involves the entire school community working together to coordinate and run a Nitbusting Day on the school premises in an effort to treat the entire student body for head lice at one time.

The school’s parent body organises the day by providing helpers to screen and treat all children for head lice. The screening is done by parent/guardian volunteers on a class by class basis, with the youngest children treated early in the school day.

The project employs the use of the comb and conditioner method for treating the presence of head lice, which is a safe, non-chemical treatment, involving the mechanical removal of head lice through combing.

Each child is encouraged to participate and requires a signed Parent Consent Form before they can be screened. No child will participate without a signed consent form, nor be penalised in any way for not participating. Parents/guardians and/or children can withdraw from the screening at any time. Those children not participating, however, can learn how to identify and remove lice and eggs.

The Parent Consent Form is to be returned to school before the Nitbusting Day. A separate form must be filled out for each child.

Our school P & C will be running this program and we look forward to working with them and will keep parents informed and up to date with the latest information.

Special Offer

Next Thursday we will be back in Australia, home for Easter.

Aussie meal deal $7

1x sausages sandwich

1x slushie or drink of choice

1x Easter cupcake

Can now be ordered on my school connect app or in the canteen .

Save The Date! - P&C Events

Week 11

Wednesday 5th April.

Easter Raffle Packing. Volunteers are needed! Day & evening session.

Thursday 6th April.

Easter Parade & Raffle. 2:00 pm. Infants COLA.

Can you volunteer?

Email us to register as a volunteer & let us know if you are available to assist with any upcoming events.

Contact us via out facebook page or email

Have you Downloaded our app?

This is an important communication tool used by the school and a must-have for any parent, carer, grandparent or interested community member to stay up to date with what's happening in our school.

Download in the Google store or Apple app store

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