Week 2 Term 2

NPS Newsletter


A Message From The Principal

Mrs Claire Allen

This week, I had the pleasure of showing a new family of students through our school. It was so heartwarming to view the school through their eyes. There was awe at the beauty of our grounds; how clean and well-kept they are. There was excitement at all the incredible programs we have to offer, including small group instruction to extend learning, high potential programs for creativity and sport, as well as our robotics and cultural language opportunities. On our tour around there was inclusive and welcoming greetings from our staff and students and our new students wanted to jump right into their new classes. The family commented on the silence of the school, as our students diligently worked in their classrooms and it gave me a moment to pause and consider how incredible our school is. Our staff and students have worked hard this year to implement the Berry Street Education Model strategies that foster a calm and safe learning environment. They have also focused on improving their use of assessment to drive programs, teaching students at their point of need and therefore achieving a higher level of student engagement and attainment. Congratulations to our students and staff. Our hard work is really paying off. What a wonderful place to learn for our students.

Upcoming Events

Families & Community invited to attend

Week 3


  • K-6 Assembly at 9.30 am - Primary COLA


  • Infants Sport


  • Primary Assembly 4B @ 2.30pm in school hall
  • PSSA Netball Knockout Narrabri Courts



  • Mothers Day breakfast and P&C Mothers Day stall
  • Primary Sport

Please be aware, our Term 2 and 3 dates have changed this year due to staff professional learning commitments

Term 2 Dates are: 26/4/23 to 29/6/23

Term 3 Dates are: 17/7/23 to 22/9/23

Last day of Term 4 classes will be Friday 15 December 2023.

Show Visit

On Friday Stage 1 were very excited to be visiting the Narrabri Show. They had the opportunity to walk through the exhibits, viewing their own artistic contributions as well as the incredible garden entries.

NPS cleaned up at the Narrabri Show receiving numerous awards, including Most Successful Exhibitor (School Category) and the Orman Family Shield. Congratulations to all our classes and students who participated.

Daisy also enjoyed her excursion and was as fascinated as the students while watching the reptile show. Stage 1 teachers commended all students on their exemplary behaviour and we thank the show organisers for providing this incredible opportunity for our students.

Science and Engineering


On Wednesday 3rd May students from Stage 3 went to the North West Region Science and Engineering Challenge run by the University of Newcastle. Students worked together in teams to complete 2 fun, hands-on, practical activities each. Tasks involved planning, designing, constructing and problem-solving. Some of the activities students had fun participating in included building a Mars buggy which had to have axles, wheels, and a suspension system and has to be stable and quick as possible to travel across the rough surface of Mars.

Students also created a robotic hand that was able to pick up all the objects set in front of it, and had to problem solve to avoid a blackout in Future City by balancing energy needs and a range of power stations to choose from. It was a tough competition against schools from around our area and students showed perseverance and resilience when faced with some very challenging problems, some of which appeared impossible to solve at first. Well done to all students involved; they did NPS proud!

Week 2 Infants Assembly

This week 1M took on the hosting duties of our week 2 Infants Assembly.

Working hard with Auntie Pattie and Miss Smith in class, 1M presented the Acknowledgement and the Colours song in Gamilaraay for our audience today.

Week 3 Primary Assembly

We are excited to welcome back our families to our afternoon assemblies. Classes host these assemblies and present items related to the work they are undertaking in class.

Our week 3 assembly is hosted by 3A on Wednesday, beginning at 2.30 pm in the school hall. If you are able to attend please sign in through the front office.

We look forward to seeing you there

Yellow Letter on Yellow Podium on White Background.3D Rendering
Gadget Mockup Frames Laptop

You've Got Mail

As part of our school's development of sustainable practices and efforts to keep our family and community connected, we request that you check your emails regularly as Narrabri Public School moves towards online communication.

If you are unable to access the information digitally, please contact the office on 02 6792 2246 to make alternate arrangements.

Meet & Greet

On Tuesday 2nd May 2023, we had our first transition to kindergarten session at Narrabri PS. This began with a parent and family, meet and greet afternoon tea.

It was exciting to see so many visitors to our school and meet lots of new little people. These future kindergarten students played games, had some yummy cupcakes and got to have a tour of our fabulous school with their special loved ones.

Starting next Tuesday, we begin our 'Getting ready for kindergarten' transition sessions. These will be held in our kindergarten room every Tuesday from 2:00pm - 3:00pm. Please send along your little one ready to have a taste of big school and begin their learning journey.


Our P&C is hosting our Term 2 Nitbuster program to be held in Week 4 on 19 May, for Kinder to Year 3 students.

A digital permission slip was emailed out to our families today, 5 May. Please submit your response online no later than Monday, 15 May.

Everyone at some point has faced a dreaded case of headlice (nits). It can be very frustrating as a child and parent to try and keep on top of these, however there are some simple steps to keeping the nits away. People catch head lice from direct head-to-head contact with another person who has head lice.

This can happen when people play, cuddle or work closely together. Head lice are most common among children and their families. We encourage all students to have their own school hat which is clearly labelled and don't promote students sharing hats.

Mother's Day Breakfast

and P&C Stall

On Friday, 12 May, NPS Breakfast Club is hosting a pancake breakfast in celebration of Mother's Day. This breakfast will be hosted in the hall from 8:30 am.

We extend an invitation to all Mothers and loved ones to come along and enjoy the morning with the children.

Look out in your emails for an invitation to RSVP.

Our P&C stall will be held in the library and students will be able to purchase gifts ranging from $2 to $15 during the morning.

Keep an eye on our P&C Facebook for a sneak peek during the week.

NPS Gardening Club Snaps

Home Garden Wheel Barrow
Potted Plants and Gardening Tools Storage

Save the Dates

Friday 12 May - Mothers Day Pancake Breakfast and P&C Mothers Day Stall

Thursday 18 May - NPS Leaders speak on MaxFM @ 9am

Thursday 8 June - NPS Leaders speak on MaxFM @ 9am

Thursday 22 June - School Photos - winter uniform

Thursday 22 June - NPS Leaders speak on MaxFM @ 9am

Thursday 29 June - NAIDOC Celebration Assembly

Friday 21 July - Primary Athletics Carnival @ NHS

Monday 21 August - Book Fair begins

Monday 21 August - Life Education Visit begins

Tuesday 19 to Thursday 21 September - Year 5 Excursion to Gulgong

Friday 20 October - Grandparents Day & Twilight Fete

Monday 23 to Friday 27 October - Year 6 Excursion to Canberra

0n Tuesday a group of our Narrabri Public School students travelled to Gunnedah to participate in the Southern Zone Boys and Girls Soccer trials. Hunter Barrett, Kobi Rule, Jackson Hayne, William Hayne and Xavier Cook played in the Narrabri Boys Zone Team and Ashlyn Saunders played in the Narrabri Girls Zone Team. Everyone had a great day displaying outstanding sportsmanship and playing some amazing soccer throughout the day.

The boys and girls teams played 3 x 20 minute games each, trying to impress the selectors to make the possibles and probables game and gain a position on the Southern boys and girls teams. The teams selected will travel to Armidale to try out for the North West teams to compete at State level later in the year.

Congratulations to Hunter, Jackson and Kobi for making the possibles and probables game. From this game Hunter was successful in making the Southern Zone Team! Good luck in Armidale Hunter.

Well done to everyone who attended these trials. NPS is proud of you all.

Healthy Child Icon

Heathly Hints

  1. Vegetables - Nutrient dense and a great source of fibre.
  2. Fruits - Full of vitamins and minerals that are important for growing bodies.
  3. Grains (cereal) foods, mostly wholegrain or high fibre - Rich in carbohydrates to help kids play and learn all day.
  4. Meats and Alternatives - A protein source to help keep children focused and alert throughout the day.
  5. Dairy and Alternatives - Vital for healthy bones and teeth.

ICAS returns in 2023

We’re delighted to inform you that we will be participating in ICAS again this year, to recognise and reward students’ academic achievement. The assessments are now fully online and sitting dates will commence in Term 3. Learn more by visiting icasassessments.com.

P&C News

Cake day extended

I Heart You Cupcake Handdrawn Valentine's Themed Cakes & Sweets

Stage 2 - it's your turn to provide cakes!

This term we are doing it a bit differently and extending our cake day over 3 days. From Wednesday years 3 and 4 can drop a cake, slice or special treat to sell at the canteen cake counter.

Special treats will be available to purchase for $1 over Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Each student that donates a cake for this will receive a ticket to go into the draw to win a canteen voucher to the value of $7.

Happy baking!

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This is an important communication tool used by the school and a must-have for any parent, carer, grandparent or interested community member to stay up to date with what's happening in our school.

Download in the Google store or Apple app store

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