Week 3 Term 2

NPS Newsletter

A Message From The Principal

Mrs Claire Allen


Our Core Values are the foundation of our school, providing high expectations for how we will all conduct ourselves at school. As our students grow and mature, it helps them prepare for being contributing members of a community. The value of respect can be seen in the way we value and treat ourselves and others. Do we listen to others, take turns, greet people we meet, take care of our appearance, speak with kind words, share our opinion thoughtfully? The value of responsibility can be seen in how we care for ourselves and others. Do we care for our environment, take ownership of our choices, look after our belongings? The value of resilience can be seen in how we face a challenge.

Do we learn from our mistakes, keep moving when things are tough, look for the positives? The value of achievement can be seen by how hard we strive to achieve our personal best.

Do we take on feedback to help us learn, work towards our goals even when it's hard, celebrate our own and other's success? The value of inclusion can be seen in how we approach others. Do we help and look after others even when they are different from ourselves, look for opportunities to make people feel welcome and a part of the school, celebrate the diverse range of individuals we are privileged to have in our school? These values are carried from school to home and back again, and by making sure we model, teach and acknowledge these core values they become a part of who our students are, today and into their future. When our students display these core values in the school setting they receive a thumbs up stamp and/or a raffle ticket. This helps reinforce what we are teaching them. Each Monday raffle tickets are drawn at assembly and prizes are given. Each term these raffle tickets accumulate in the tower in the front office, working towards our whole school celebrations and sharing our success with the community. We are currently working towards a Disco.

Upcoming Events

Families & Community invited to attend

Week 4


  • K-6 Assembly at 9.30 am - Primary COLA
  • PSSA Soccer Knockout - Gately oval.


  • Infants Sport
  • Mrs Smith's Woodwind music lessons
  • Brass music lessons


  • Infants Assembly - Kindergarten @ 2.30pm in school hall
  • GRIP Leadership in Moree
  • Soccer training 3:30pm - 4:30pm


  • NPS Leaders speak on MaxFM @ 9am


  • Nitbusters
  • Primary Sport

Please be aware, our Term 2 and 3 dates have changed this year due to staff professional learning commitments

Term 2 Dates are: 26/4/23 to 29/6/23

Term 3 Dates are: 17/7/23 to 22/9/23

Last day of Term 4 classes will be Friday 15 December 2023.

Mothers Day Breakfast

We had an incredible turn out to our Mother's Day and Loved One's Breakfast, and our families made short work of the delicious pancakes, bacon and eggs that were on offer. It was wonderful to see our families come together and enjoy a meal as we spoiled our hard working mums and the other wonderful women that often take on mothering roles in our students lives. After all the food was devoured our students returned to class and our incredible P & C team came together to man the annual Mother's Day stall. Our students love the opportunity to shop at the stall and always marvel at the wide range of products on offer. We hope all our mums and loved ones have a wonderful Mother's Day this Sunday and feel very appreciated by their families.

Show Success

It was amazing to see our Narrabri Show exhibits return this week, covered in a variety of ribbons. This was a wonderful acknowledgement of the hard work of our students and staff. We again took home the Orman Shield with the help of Kindergarten, and were awarded the ribbon of Most Successful Exhibitor at the show.

Our staff build these opportunities into valuable learning experiences, ensuring that students gain knowledge and understanding of the theme which is linked to our science syllabus as well as our CAPA syllabus. It is also a wonderful way to share our students achievements with the whole community. We are very proud of our students and all they can achieve!

Our show art now take pride placing in classrooms and our school hall.

Zone Cross Country

What a wonderful day was had at the Cross Country today. The weather was perfect and all the competitors enjoyed a day out in the sun and fresh air. Our students are once again to be congratulated for their sportsmanship and team spirit. It is no mean feat to participate in a cross country course so we applaud and commend all students who attended.

Good luck to the competitors who were selected to progress to the Northwest Carnival in Coolah on 15th June. Names will be posted at a later date.

Week 3 Primary Assembl

This weeks primary assembly was hosted by 3A.

As part of our History unit, we have been learning about the exploration of Australia and the First Fleet. We shared our informative artwork of our learning including showing that there were 11 ships in the First Fleet: 2 naval escorts, 6 convict transports and 3 store ships.

As part of our learning about culture, 3A have been learning 2 songs using Kamilaroi language: THE COLOUR SONG and THE FAMILY SONG.

Thankyou Auntie Pattie for sharing your expertise and helping us learn these songs.

We hope you enjoy our performance.

Week 4 Infants Assembly

We are excited to welcome back our families to our afternoon assemblies. Classes host these assemblies and present items related to the work they are undertaking in class.

Our week 3 assembly is hosted by Kindy on Wednesday, beginning at 2.30 pm in the school hall. If you are able to attend please sign in through the front office.

We look forward to seeing you there

Yellow Letter on Yellow Podium on White Background.3D Rendering
Gadget Mockup Frames Laptop

You've Got Mail

As part of our school's development of sustainable practices and efforts to keep our family and community connected, we request that you check your emails regularly as Narrabri Public School moves towards online communication.

If you are unable to access the information digitally, please contact the office on 02 6792 2246 to make alternate arrangements.

Welcome to "Ready for Kindergarten"

On Tuesday our transition to kindergarten program began with its first session. It was fantastic to see many little people arrive with their families. They very quickly waved goodbye and went inside to play with toys or games. The home corner and kitchen were very popular and so was the Duplo! We even had a special visit from Daisy the dog!

Mrs Young read a story, we sang a song about a rainbow and then did a colouring in activity. We finished the afternoon with a yummy fruit platter and an interactive colour matching game on the smartboard, before waving goodbye. The children got to take home a colour-sorting activity to do with their family. Everyone was super excited about coming again next week.

Transition continues again next week, until the end of term! See you all, 2-3 pm on Tuesdays in the Kindergarten classroom.

Save the Dates

Monday 15th May - PSSA Soccer Knockout

Thursday 18 May - NPS Leaders speak on MaxFM @ 9am

Thursday 8 June - NPS Leaders speak on MaxFM @ 9am

Thursday 22 June - School Photos - winter uniform

Thursday 22 June - NPS Leaders speak on MaxFM @ 9am

Thursday 29 June - NAIDOC Celebration Assembly

Friday 21 July - Primary Athletics Carnival @ NHS

Monday 21 August - Book Fair begins

Monday 21 August - Life Education Visit begins

Tuesday 19 to Thursday 21 September - Year 5 Excursion to Gulgong

Friday 20 October - Grandparents Day & Twilight Fete

Monday 23 to Friday 27 October - Year 6 Excursion to Canberra


Our P&C is hosting our Term 2 Nitbuster program to be held in Week 4 on 19 May, for Kinder to Year 3 students.

A digital permission slip was emailed out to our families today, 5 May. Please submit your response online no later than Monday, 15 May.

Everyone at some point has faced a dreaded case of headlice (nits). It can be very frustrating as a child and parent to try and keep on top of these, however there are some simple steps to keeping the nits away. People catch head lice from direct head-to-head contact with another person who has head lice.

This can happen when people play, cuddle or work closely together. Head lice are most common among children and their families. We encourage all students to have their own school hat which is clearly labelled and don't promote students sharing hats.

Netball Knockout

On Wednesday our school Netball team headed over to the Bev Burrows courts to verse Guyra Central School in the second round of the knockout competition. It was a tough game from the start and by half time there was only one point in it. Our students showed determination, sportsmanship and excellent teamwork to win in the final quarter 11-9! Well done NPS! We look forward to taking on Narrabri West in the next round.

Zone Softball Trials

Last Friday the Zone Softball trials were held at Leitch Oval. We had a wonderful group of students head over and show off their softball talent. All students displayed excellent sportsmanship, representing our school with pride. Congratulations to Lincoln Bourke, Hunter Barrett, Cooper Mason, Jackson Hayne, Lochlan McMillan, Kobi Rule, Ashlyn Saunders, Elsie Barton, August Downs, Leairah Smith, Catherine Gerdinoi, Hazel Woolford and Ellaouise Dewar who were all selected to represent at the next level. Our students will travel to Tamworth at the end of Term Two for the next round of trials. We can’t wait to hear how they go - Good luck everyone!

Healthy Child Icon

Heathly Hints

Our Nitbusters event is coming up quickly, so make sure you have returned your child's permission note using the emailed link. Prevention is the best way to reduce the risk of head lice.

  • Tie up long hair
  • Check hair daily with a quick look to avoid head lice laying eggs in your child's hair.
  • Talk to your child about the importance of not swapping hats.
  • Sign up to our Week 4 Nitbusters program every term.
  • Keep a headlice comb in the shower and whenever you condition your child's hair, comb through quickly.

For more information go to: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/environment/headlice/Pages/default.aspx

ICAS returns in 2023

We’re delighted to inform you that we will be participating in ICAS again this year, to recognise and reward students’ academic achievement. The assessments are now fully online and sitting dates will commence in Term 3. Learn more by visiting icasassessments.com.

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This is an important communication tool used by the school and a must-have for any parent, carer, grandparent or interested community member to stay up to date with what's happening in our school.

Download in the Google store or Apple app store

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