NPS Newsletter

Week 4 Term 3 2024

Upcoming Events

Week 5 Term 3


  • Breakfast Club
  • K-6 Assembly 9:15 am under Primary COLA
  • RDA - K-6C and 3/4/5Y
  • 2025 Kinder Transition 9:30-11 am


  • Infants Sport Day - Infants Olympics
  • Band Lessons
  • Healthy Harold
  • Book Week


  • Breakfast Club
  • Healthy Harold
  • Book Week
  • 5S Assembly


  • Book Week
  • MaxFM
  • Year 2 Excursion to Old Narrabri Gaol


  • Breakfast Club
  • Primary Sports Day - Yr 5 Lawn Bowls
  • Book Week Celebration From 10:45am
  • Clontarf Visit
  • Friendship Friday

A Message From

The Principal

Mrs Claire Allen

Despite the very wet weather this week, it has been an amazing week of ​learning all around at Narrabri Public School. This week our students ​have been hard at work, developing and applying their skills to read, ​write, calculate and explore their world, meanwhile, their teachers have ​also been undertaking their own professional learning. Each term our ​staff undertake a full day of professional learning and collaboration to ​ensure that they are up-to-date with the most current research in ​evidence-informed practice ensuring they deliver enriching and ​meaningful lessons for their students. Our APCIs Mrs Lindsay and Ms ​Marple have been working with stage teams to focus on improving their ​ability to analyse student data using the student’s Essential Assessment ​data. Student outcomes then drive changes to small group and whole ​class targets helping staff to further tailor their lessons to their ​students’ point of need.

Staff also learnt about the empowering nature of students believing in ​themselves as mathematicians. Staff reflected on their own learning ​journey as a mathematician and how this has shaped their belief in ​their abilities. By exploring the pedagogy and research of Michelle ​Tregoning (leader mathematics professional learning for the NSW ​Mathematics Strategy), staff have developed a deeper understanding of ​how to plan and deliver learning experiences that result in students not ​only improving their capabilities but also their confidence!


Narrabri Public School

Family Noticeboard

NitBusters Monday 19 Aug 2024

Our next NitBuster program for Term 3 is ​scheduled for Monday, 19 August. If you ​have already provided permission, your ​child will be participating in this ​program.

Week 5 Book Week

As par tof our celebrations, a Book ​Parade will be held on Friday 23 August ​with students being encouraged to dress ​up as something from our theme “Catch ​the Reading Bug”. Families are welcome ​to join us for a morning of reading from ​10:45am.

Week 6 Fathers Day Breakfast

Join us for our annual Fathers and Families ​Breakfast on Friday, August 30 from 8:15am ​to 9:15am. Enjoy a delicious bacon and egg ​roll BBQ while being treated to a special ​performance by our school choir.

Todd Woodbridge Cup

The Todd Woodbridge Cup is a tennis competition ​designed to introduce primary school students to tennis ​in a fun and team-oriented environment. Students ​compete in teams that typically represent their schools, ​with each team consisting of both boys and girls. The ​games use modified rules and equipment, such as lower ​nets and softer balls, to make the sport more accessible ​and enjoyable for young players. The competition often ​follows a round-robin format, allowing teams to play ​against multiple opponents, ensuring that all participants ​get ample playtime. The focus is on participation, ​sportsmanship, and skill development rather than just ​winning.

Narrabri Public School students in Years 3 & 4 had the ​opportunity to participate in the Todd Woodbridge Cup, ​giving them a chance to enjoy tennis, improve their skills, ​and represent their school in a friendly competition.

Healthy Harold

The Life Education Van has arrived, bringing Healthy ​Harold to visit Narrabri Public School during Weeks 4 ​and 5 and offering an engaging, curriculum-based ​program designed to empower students to make safer ​and healthier choices. Each 60-90 minute session is led ​by a specialist educator and features interactive lessons ​covering physical health, safety, and social and ​emotional wellbeing. A highlight for everyone is chatting ​with Healthy Harold! Thankyou to the P&C for their ​generous support, which has covered the entry cost ​allowing all students to participate in this worthwhile ​program.

To learn more about what your child will be studying ​and access the family resources page, please visit Life ​Ed’s new website:

NHS Year 6 to 7 Transition

Day 1

On Wednesday Year Six braved the rain, visiting the high ​school for their first transition session where they met ​their Year Advisor for 2025, Miss Coppin, students from ​other schools and teachers who will become familiar ​faces. Upon arrival, students were split into two groups ​and rotated through several activities such as ​agriculture, STEM, drones and science. They explored ​some of the possibilities that each subject offers and ​were able to ask the teachers any questions they had in ​preparation for next year. After lunch, all students came ​together to work with Clontarf in some teambuilding ​activities before creating their own balloon rockets and ​testing their skills when flying them across the COLA. All ​students relished the opportunities presented to them ​on the day and we look forward to our next transition in ​November.

Book Week will take place this year during Week 5 of Term ​3, from 19-23 August. In celebration, the Book Parade will ​be held on Friday 23 August, and students are ​encouraged to dress up as something from our theme ​"Catch the Reading Bug".

Every student who dresses up this year will go into the ​running to win a prize from our Book Fair!

This day will run as follows:

10:45am: Family members are invited to come and read a ​book with their children around our school.

11:20am: Families are welcome to attend Friendship ​Friday lunch on the Back Flat with special orders through ​the Narrabri Public School Canteen. See the menu Below. ​Pre-order will be available from Monday 19 Aug on the My ​School Connect app and can be purchased on the day.

12pm: Book Parade under the Infants COLA - running in ​grade order from K-6. Reading Bug awards and prizes will ​be presented. Students farewell their families and return ​to class for a virtual author visit by Jacqueline Harvey in ​classrooms.

During this week, Book Fair will also take place every ​morning before school at 8:45am, Play 1 and Play 2, ​located in the computer lab.

Friday morning it will be open from 11:20am for any ​families wishing to purchase a book for reading with their ​children.

Students and parents are welcome to the Book Fair where ​they can pay for their items either online via a link/QR ​code or in cash.

P&C Fruit Day

On Tuesday our school enjoyed our Term 3 Fruit Day! ​Students were thrilled with the variety of fresh fruits and ​vegetables on offer. A huge thankyou to our dedicated ​P&C members who volunteered their time this morning to ​prepare the delicious platters, and to Australian Food and ​Fibre - Namoi Valley for their generous sponsorship of this ​cherished event.

A special thankyou also goes to Vince and Kerrie Haire for ​donating oranges to our school.

Late Arrivals

If your child is late to school or needs to be ​collected early, a parent/caregiver needs to ​visit the office. Our administration staff will ​mark the roll accordingly and give you or ​your child a slip to pass to their classroom ​teacher.

When a child presents late to school ​without a parent/carer, we are required to ​contact a parent/carer to obtain an ​explanation for their lateness.

To avoid receiving a phone call, you can ​either complete a late arrival notice via the ​attendance tab in the parent portal, or ​phone the school to advise why your child ​is late.

Community Puzzle Logo

Narrabri Public School


with parents

In education

Talking about mental health to children is sometimes ​hard. To the point that we can put off raising the subject, ​not wanting to unearth problems or raise overwhelming ​subjects that we perceive our child is too young or not ​ready for. But rather than keeping children in the dark, ​this guide is designed to help you confidently talk about ​mental health, so they feel comfortable talking about their ​own worries and end any stigma before it begins.

In the guide, you'll find tips such as talking about mental ​health naturally, being open and honest and asking twice.


before & after school care


Monday - Friday At Narrabri Public

From 6:30am – 9:00am & 3:00pm - 6:00pm

NNOOSH offers care for school-aged children in Before School Care, After School during term times, and Vacation Care during the school holidays.

Now taking bookings!

For bookings, call Hannah on 0491 332 628 or email:

Community News